RS Energy



We provide Creative Services

RS ENERGY is proud to put its entrepreneurial culture and its expertise at the disposal and at the service of its customers, investors and partners, in order to show its commitment in the development of renewable energies in Morocco and in the city of Laâyoune in particular and to contribute to building a better energy world.

Solar Panel Installation

Windmill Installation

Global Energy Network

Sun Energy Analitics

Technological Power Lines

Economical Lighting

Operation & maintenance

Recycling Excess Energy

Control activities and technical analysisStudies & SimulationProduction & saleOperation & Maintenance of machines

RS Energy

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Control activities and technical analysis:

  • Realization of Environmental Impact Studies: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process that, early in planning, identifies and assesses the risks of environmental impacts arising from a planned project. ... The EIA therefore represents a proactive and preventive approach to environmental management and protection.
  • Energy audit: The audit highlights areas for improvement to be exploited when setting up an action plan. RS ENERGY allows you to have an idea of ​​the cost to be expected and to know which equipment will be the most profitable for optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings.
  • Training: The training program is defined by skills. These were determined from a work situation analysis and taking into account the goals of the training, all adapted to the Moroccan context. An operational objective is formulated for each of the skills to be developed.
  • Energetic efficiency: Energy is at the heart of the concerns of our company RS ENERGY, we provide in-depth expertise to provide you with optimal results to drastically reduce your energy consumption.

Studies & Simulation:

  • Design: RS ENERGY ensures the design and implementation of energy projects as part of project management assignments, from initial studies to acceptance of the works and the guarantee of perfect completion. RS ENERGY is able to carry out all the phases of a project, from the preliminary project (diagnosis, APS, APD), the management of works until the reception and industrial commissioning.
  • Protection: The protection of renewable energy production equipment represents a particular requirement, in this respect, RS Energy offers a wide selection of components and solutions for wind farms, photovoltaic power plants, fuel cells and storage systems. energy with batteries.
  • The making: Through several solutions, namely the installation or change of a wind turbine, the installation or replacement of photovoltaic solar panels and the installation or change of a combined solar system.
  • The realization: In order to optimize your energy performance, RS ENERGY identifies all the possible technical solutions to reduce your energy consumption related to the process, utilities and buildings and offers you a costed and quantified technical action plan in terms of investments. and savings on which a commitment is possible.
  • The installation: A team permanently trained in new technologies and environmental constraints to successfully install and maintain equipment producing or saving energy, in particular renewable energy, with all customers, including industrial agricultural and commercial companies. local authorities, administrations and individuals.
  • The understanding and analysis: The RS Energy team provides its customers with innovative software tools for the analysis, understanding and simulation of renewable energy projects in order to help them optimize integrated energy design on the markets of the region of Laâyoune Sakia Al-Hamra, as well as assess several types of renewable energy technologies.
  • Control of electrical systems and networks: RS Energy has extensive experience in the field of photovoltaic power plant installations and electrical systems and networks, which allows us to offer a quality service: study of the feasibility of the project, design of the solution and execution of the works.

Production & sale:

  • The production:

    The production of renewable energies at RS ENERGY is carried out based on a spatial and functional diagnosis, organizational and rationalization scenarios, territorial plans and master plans, as well as the planning of infrastructure and equipment through the production of documents, prescriptive strategies. The RS Energy team takes care of direct production, resale on a network (solar photovoltaic, wind power, geothermal energy, waste, thermal energy from the seas) and support for project leaders.

  • Commercialization:

    Despite the challenges facing renewable energy producers, RS ENERGY has succeeded in directly marketing energy equipment on the market to support project leaders.

  • The distribution:

    Among the missions of RS Energy is to provide the most relevant energy solutions to customers, to distribute renewable energy equipment and to support projects in an optimal way while relying on our skills.

  • Materials and finished product:

    Supporting customers from design to distribution and representation of finished products is a major objective of RS Energy. Powerful and practical tools and materials have been designed by our team to effectively meet the needs.


    RS Energy allows you to import and export various materials and renewable energy equipment because strengthening the interconnections between energy networks is thus one of our priorities.

Operation & Maintenance of machines

  • Operation and maintenance: RS Energy ensures the technical installations of renewable energy equipment thanks to its competent team within a rigorous normative framework and by offering permanent monitoring of production, preventive maintenance, cleaning of modules and optimization of energy yields.
  • Public lights: Controlling public lighting is one of our missions, while preserving the safety of people and equipments, controlling energy consumption and collecting and recycling used equipment because we believe that good lighting is necessary for the safety and comfort of users of public space.
  • Assistance to project owners (AMO): As part of project management assistance, the RS Energy team make its expertise and assistance available to its customers to advise and support project leaders at all stages from design to completion of their projects. As well as assisting in the commissioning and maintenance of technical installations with regular monitoring of the work.


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